In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly, many people are increasingly concerned that AI may replace human workers in the near future. Here are some jobs that are at risk of being replaced by AI


1.Customer Service Executives : AI can efficiently answer frequently asked questions and provide customer service.


2.Translator : AI translation systems have become more accurate, making this profession highly at risk.


3.Security Guard : AI systems can detect threats and send alerts quickly.


4.Market Research Analyst : AI can process large amounts of data and perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately.


5.Proofreader : AI can verify the accuracy of information in documents faster and more precisely than humans.


6.Journalist : AI can generate news on factual topics or well-structured formats quickly and efficiently.


7.Retail Salesperson : Online ordering systems and AI assist in recommending products, replacing the role of sales staff.


8.Taxi and Delivery Drivers : Autonomous vehicle technology is advancing rapidly.


9.Entry-Level Graphic Designers : AI can design logos and images.


10.Data Entry Clerks : AI can process and manage data automatically.


11.Finance : AI can analyze financial data, assess risks, and provide financial advice, making certain positions in banks and insurance companies at risk.


However, professions that require creativity, decision-making, and emotional intelligence remain important and are difficult for AI to replace.

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Support Specialist
“R” is a support specialist with as strong personality typo, who is willing to support and ready to provide fast and accurate service to all channel inquiries. She is very enthusiastic, well experienced and can work with diverse team and customers. In her free time, she likes to play computer games and winning is part of her game.